
Monday, March 19, 2012

Engine Mounted in Sub-Frame

This week I received a new correct engine mount from Acura as well as a new MSD fuel pump.

After a good long time of using creative swear words, I finally found the correct ones and the frame dropped onto the engine with the engine mounts in place.  All it took was a grinder to remove the offending areas on the frame.  I'm not sure why I had to modify the frame, could be a slightly different engine casting, or the hydrolastic frame is a bit different than the dry frame.  Either way I was able to get the engine mounted but discovered I can't get the header to fit.  I had the header ceramic coated so I can't grind on that, I'll have to grind on the engine a bit and as for the area on the frame that hits, I'll hit it back (with a big hammer!).  I love "cold forming"...
All in all I only had a about two hours to work on the Monster Mini this week.  I'll have to push it if I wish to get this project done by summer so I have time to drive it before the weather turns to crap again.
Lastly I cut two areas on the clutch slave cylinder so after everything is in place I can remove it if I have to.  As it is, the bolts can't be removed due to the sub-frame being in the way.

Fuel pump and correct Acura engine mount.

Here the engine is mounted in the frame but the header won't go in all the way.  It's hitting at the arrow in the front...

And hitting at the arrow on the block.

Here is the engine cradled in the frame after I rolled it right-side-up.

Engine/tranny and sub-frame together at last.

Clutch slave cylinder with mounting holes cut out for possible later removal.

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