Over the weekend I have achieved "power on" so now you can turn
the key and hear relays turn on, and the engine cranks over. What I did was I supplied the power using a
battery charger not a battery.
I watched
the gauge on the charger then plugged in one fuse at a time and made sure there
wasn’t any spikes in power usage.
The mini side of things are mostly untouched so lights and dash systems
still function as they once did.
One problem I have is the
fuel pump relay isn't getting a signal from the computer
to turn on, I can jump the main relay and the pump turns on but for some reason
the computer isn't doing it. There are several factors the computer uses
to control the pump so for now I'll need to do more reading. The
Honda forums have been very helpful.
Next I can fuel up, flush the fuel lines, then put oil in the engine and
tranny. After that I hope the garage gets noisy! No exhaust system
in place yet..
Other things needed are radiator hoses, some assembly of the driver’s side wheel/brake/bearing
set up and some odds and ends.
One thing
I keep forgetting to do is to plumb up my classic mechanical oil pressure gauge.
This is a must before engine start up, if I
forget to do that I’ll have a big mess in the car with the tube pumping engine
oil all over.
The rat nest is getting closer to being tucked under and in the dash. |