
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Starting Electrical

OK, so last week I had nothing!  But things are getting back to somewhat normal around the house and this weekend Brandi helped me install 4 bolts that were impossible to do alone, it was funny to see her crammed in this little car reaching and flexing to help hold the bolt in place,  now she knows why my back hurts from time to time!  I also got the brakes and spacers installed, the spacers are a bit large and I'll either cut them down or buy smaller ones later.  On to electrical!

"Big" brakes, small wheel = the calipers and disk needs to be located inboard of the wheel to fit.  It's a bit hard on bearings but now I have the big roller bearings and larger CV stub shaft so I'm not worried about it.  There are only a few hundred pounds per corner on this 1967 pop can.

Started electrical.

Wires are tucked, the bundle upper left are original mini and will be tucked later.

Now the mess is inside.

Just a fun picture.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Picking off little things.

So for the last few months I couldn't find the special shouldered bolts that attach the center axle bearing housing to the engine, that thing has just been hanging out until now.  I found the bolts while looking for other things, so that is now attached for good.
Also I deemed it time to install the radiator for good, that thing looks nice!  I had pulled it out to protect it until now.
I also secured some of the brake lines to the car a little better, and cut/installed the heater hoses.  There also is this little breather box on the back of the engine that needed a new O-ring, I put that back together too.
I'm installing the shift linkage, that thing was perfect but for some reason, it is hitting things.  I'll have to beat on it a bit.  Another thing I did was to order some bolts that will be used as wheel studs through my brake disk, drive flange and wheel spacer stack up.  Then on go the wheels!

Radiator in for good (I'll put the cardboard back on).  I still may pull it out this winter so I can paint the slam panel.  You can see this picture was shot before I finished putting on the rubber guard.

Here are two heater hoses finally plumbed, I had to buy an adapter to go from one hose size to another.  Ugly clamps are in place but this winter I have plans to put some sort of shrink clamp thing that will be much cleaner.  Now that I'm looking at this photo, I see the old brake line mount (bracket with hole near top center) that should probably go away or???

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Got the brakes done.  It took forever, but I got the master cylinder remote reservoirs mounted and plumbed.  I filled the clutch one up and bled the system, BOOM that worked perfect.  Next was the brake system,  leaks all over!  Fortunately the leaks were just a few connections that were only finger tight.  A quick turn of the wrench and everything holds pressure.  I stood on the brake pedal for a while and inspected all the fittings and they are dry.  Check that off the list!
I also had to figure out a way to pump up the hydrolastic system.  I took a fire extinguisher and put my hydrolastic fluid (50% antifreeze/water mix) hit it with the air compressor and attached an air hose on the end.  The hydrolastic system uses a Schrader valve, so it was easy to pump up.  That worked slick!  Now the system is pumped up to 120 psi and most of the volume is filled, all I have to do now is increase the pressure using a grease gun filled with antifreeze.  I took a chrome tire cap, tapped it, and screwed a zirk in to it.  So what you do is screw the cap/zirk onto the Schrader valve, attach the grease gun and pump away.  This car is cool, just pump it up till you like the stance.
I also made some rebound stops and mounted those so the suspension won't droop too far and hit the tie-rods on the sub-frame (no picture).

Master cylinders plumbed, carpet to come later.

My hydrolastic pressurizer made from a fire extinguisher and grease gun.